Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday in San Francisco

Our Saturday started out by perusing the local farmer's market. These are some fungi Kelsey took a picture of (aka mushrooms).

The market was rather large with both an indoor and outdoor section. Here I am looking at the containers of dried fruit. Mmm, we bought some and it was delicious! Items purchased by Kelsey... dried fruit, almond butter, Asian pear, lemon. Items purchased by Josh... lemon pepper lamb sausage. Kelsey wins! Oh, and I gave a dollar to the guy playing the tenor saxophone on the street.

Next we took the bus and transit system to the Palace of Fine Arts. The San Francisco Exploratorium is located in this area. The Exploratorium had hands on science exhibits on electricity, magnetism, light/vision, genetics/biology, sound, psychology, etc. Kelsey beat me at the reaction time game but was less than stellar at the "when am I lying" game. Maybe that's a good thing???

Our next journey took us from the Exploratorium back to the Wharf area. We used our one hour cruise tickets to journey under the Golden Gate Bridge, near the Bay Bridge, and past Alcatraz. This is a picture of the Skyline of San Francisco taken from the boat. Near the Golden Gate Bridge there were numerous kiters and windsurfers. Bryce, did you hear that? Kiting the Golden Gate should be next on your list.

This is the Golden Gate Bridge. It's orangish/red. VERY disappointing. We also found out the Bay Bridge is bigger. Golden Gate, more like the Misnomer Bridge! Psh! Actually, it was really neat and definitely an architectural masterpiece.

That's Kelsey on the left. She had her hood up. That's me on the right. I took my hood down for the picture because I have way more class. Notice I left my hat on and, therefore, you can't tell I'm going bald.

Our dream island is pictured above. Also know as "The Rock" or "Alcatraz". Ooooh, exciting! Hopefully we have time to take the Alcatraz Tour but if not at least we saw it! Kind of scary looking from the outside. The likes of "Machine Gun Kelly" and "Al Scarface Capone" spent many of their days on "The Rock."

And, to finish our post for Saturday, the Sea Lions on the way back from the cruise can be seen basking in the sun of the afternoon. Kelsey seemed embarrassed when I was trying to communicate with them. They were saying, "Hi!" with their, "Baarck! Baarck!" grunt/barks so I said, "Hi!" back. I guess it's embarrassing to be near someone being polite to sea lions.

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