Monday, May 31, 2010

Portland to Hood River

We had a nice morning taking a walk in Downtown Portland. Not much open since it was Memorial Day, but we found a nice park to walk through. Our hotel was really nice. That had some cool planters around the building.

We stopped at scenic spots along the way on the Historic Columbia River Highway.
There were very nice waterfalls along the way.
We stopped at the Dam and a fisheries place. The above picture is a giant sturgeon. I think this guy is 10 feet long and 75 years old!

The hotel in Hood River is really nice. It looks right over the Columbia River! We're driving the fruit loop tomorrow!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Day in Portland

Today we got up at 4:45am and left Fargo. There were no problems today! We got here at 9:30am Pacific Time. When we arrived at PDX (Portland Airport), we used our food vouchers from the airline (one good thing from the mishap yesterday) to buy $30 worth of snacks. I know, it sounds like a lot of money for snacks, but remember they were being purchased at an airport.

After eating a quick sandwich we rolled our luggage and bags of snacks onto the light rail and took that to our hotel in Downtown Portland. It's a very elegant hotel that is over 100 years old.
We then decided to walk to the International Rose Test Gardens and Japanese garden. That took us about 45 minutes to walk there and 45 more to walk back. But it was worth it! Now we're tired and hungry. Kelsey wants in-room dining because she's too tired to take an elevator straight down to the restaurant.

Pictures follow...

Beautiful roses in the Portland International Rose Test Gardens!

Some hot woman I took a picture of in front of pretty flowers

The beginning of Washington Park...what a site after a long, uphill walk from the hotel!

We thought this area was pretty on our long uphill walk to the park. And we needed a water break.

Some hot guy Kelsey took a picture of. I was going to delete it because I was offended but then I agreed that, "wow, he sure is hot!" Check out those calf muscles!

Standing next to a fountain while nature has its own fountain going. There was a used pack of Marloboros in the fountain. I thought that was classy.

A scenic pond at the Japanese garden.

This rose was named "Playboy." No, really, we only read the sign. We didn't look at the rose itself...

Kelsey entering a portion of the Japanese garden. Notice how excited she looks. PLANTS!!!

Wayyyy hotter than the "Playboy Rose"

Stay tuned for more!
-Josh (and Kelsey)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Flying...or not...

We made it to the airport in Fargo about 1.5 hours early, like good passengers do. The 95 degree heat today was a bit overwhelming for man and machine. We loaded the plane on time, waited for the usual things to be put in place, and began to move. We made it onto the runway, then smelled a burning odor. We continued, were ready to go full throttle and start our adventure! And....then the cabin filled with smoke thanks to an air conditioner over heating. I've never heard a smoke alarm on an airplane before. Something new every day! So, we changed flights to tomorrow morning (since we would've missed our next flight had we waited for the problem to be fixed and will actually get to Portland earlier by taking off later...I know, figure that one out). So, our anticipation again builds! Wish us luck tomorrow!

Leaving for Oregon!

We're leaving for Oregon today! I'll try to update every day. Hope the weather is nice there!! At least it will be cooler than what it has been around here!